Check your details online!
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- Written by: Dan Dempsey
- Category: News
- Hits: 374
We have made it easier to check up on things when preparing to depart for NZ or Australia. So many times you call us to get HAP IDs for Australian eMedicals, pre departure dates and flight times. Now you can find these yourself. All you need is your passport number and family name as on your passport. CHECK NOW
We ahve also included a handy link in the menu bar called "Worker Lookup"
We have moved! Now at Yao Supermarket Building
- Details
- Written by: Dan Dempsey
- Category: News
- Hits: 314
Empower SWR is growing and as such we have outgrown our old office. From Monday 12 September we will be operating from our new office!
We are excited by this new expansion and delighted to have a large 100m2 office space where we can offer training facilities and a much more comfortable place for PALM and RSE employers to meet and interview workers. Upstairs Yao Building Rue de Bouganville Port VIla